WhAt Do YoU nEeD tO bE hApPy
What do you need to be happy? It’s a simple question that has a lot of answer, infinite answers. People have to many things that they thing will made them happy. They will use so many conditional words. Some people will say that they will be happy if they have a girl that loves them with all her heart. Some will say that they will be happy if they have a car. But do they really happy after they get what they want? Yes, but only for a while. After a while they will eventually want something else and they start making new condition for them to be happy. Just like an endless cycle. How can we end this cycle? One thing for sure is we have to stop making limitation or condition for us to be happy. Basically we don’t need anything to be happy. All the conditions that we make, that we think going to make us happy if we reach them, is only a concept in your mind. If you can control your mind and remove that concept of happiness from your mind and tell your mind that we don’t need anything to be happy, then you’ll be happy all the time. True happiness comes from your heart not your mind.